Write You A Scheme, Version 2
Posted on November 28, 2016
by Adam Wespiser
- Overview The view from above.
- Introduction: The Bolts and Nuts of Scheme Interpreters in Haskell Scheme syntax and semantics, as well as the Haskell implementation.
- Parsing Transformation of text into abstract syntax tree.
- Evaluation Interpretation of abstract syntax tree using monad transformers.
- Error Checking and Exceptions Exception handling and messages used throughout project. Creation of error messages.
- The Primitive Environment Primitive functions that are loaded into the environment.
- Read Eval Print Loop Repeat Creating a REPL so we can test out our Scheme.
- Input/Output Reading and writing to files for both Scheme commands and the reading of program files.
- Standard Library Creation of Scheme standard library from primitive functions.
- Test Confirm Scheme syntax and semantics.
Conclusion We conclude the project.